Thursday, June 4, 2009

Exuse me while I attend to my cellular device

Cell phones have come a long way since the big bulky phones as seen on favourite sitcoms from the past. They dominate the hands of many and are arguably the most innovative piece of technology we use daily. Nowadays, everyone pulls out a cell phone to check the time, make a call, send an email, or even snap a picture. Cell phone usage in public places are inevitable and almost unavoidable. While this is a normal part of life in 2009, some forget that manners are applicable. Enter cell phone etiquette (the not so sacred laws) that some may or may not follow. Fear not, for I have conjured up simple rules to keep in mind. My five cell phone commandments are as follows:

  1. Thou shall turn off phones in movie theatres - Cell phones are common noise polluters in public places, but nothing is worse than hearing a colorful ring tone go off in a movie theatre. This rule generally applies to most public places where alien sound is not permitted such as museums, plays, theatres etc. The least a person can do is put it on vibrate. This rule is important as not only can it cause a nuisance but the interruption to a train of thought, movie, or anything is just plain annoying. This can be a safety issue as well.

  2. Thou shall return all text messages - Generally when someone takes the time out of their way to type up a text message for you, they are awaiting your reply so you can answer their question or tell them how much you enjoyed their wit with an "LOL". Unless you possible cannot reply, it is common courtesy to reply or give them a callback.

  3. Thou shall excuse themselves when a call interrupts - If you get a phone call you must absolutely answer, be kind and excuse yourself. Stopping mid conversation with someone to answer a call is impolite. Excuse yourself and ask permission to take the call or step aside.

  4. Thou shall not be text crazy – If you find yourself at a social gathering, avoid sitting in a corner texting. Do not cut yourself from social interaction beyond the SMS world. Others who wish to talk to you will feel as if getting your attention isn’t worth the effort.

  5. Thou shall not yell – Whilst on the phone, use your indoor voice. Unless of course you are outside in a very noisy area in which the person on the other end cannot hear you.

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